Why do people feel soothed and peaceful in forests?
Humans, by nature, find forests amicable. By way of Photosynthesis, rivers and plants in the forest will release huge amounts of Anions and Phytoncides. Anions are able to moderate the central nervous system, lower blood pressure, and enhance the endocrine system. Phytoncides can eliminate germs and strengthen immune system. Such healing power of the forest is thus termed as "Forest Therapy".
What are trees? Why are they capable of carbon storage?
What appear to be seemingly silent trees are actually bustling green factories. Photosynthesis is performed in leaves and turns carbon dioxide into carbohydrates and oxygen. Such nutrients will be stored inside trees that will capture carbon. Cut timbers would still retain their carbon capturing capacity. Trees are much like carbon rods, turning forests into the biggest force in mitigating global warming.
Can planting forests and the use of wood products mitigate the greenhouse effect?
Wood products are capable of carbon storage. Unlike petrochemical products, the timbering and wood processing stage will not produce a massive volume of carbon dioxide to cause the greenhouse effect. The use of woods grown through sustainable forestations will further boost their plantation and increase the forest coverage. As the oxygen density rises, it will effectively mitigate the greenhouse effect.
Is cutting trees not friendly to the environment?
The growth of trees will reach stagnation and so will its carbon sequestration capacity. We should cut trees during this period and plant new tree seedlings.Wood products will maintain its carbon sequestration capacity, while the growth of new tree seedlings will increase the carbon sequestration capacity and release more oxygen. Planned timbering and plantation means forest resources can be used sustainably.
Wooden architectures are very friendly to the environment, but are they safe?
The excellent resilience of wood can effectively dissipate the earthquake’s energy. With sound design and construction, wooden architectures are secure and earthquake-resistant. Modern wooden building materials and building methods come with diverse fireproof structural designs to stop or withstand burning. Advanced firefighting technologies and comprehensive regulations bring extra security to wooden architectures.
Is the discarded wood a waste of resources? Can they be reused?
Post-processing wood remainders and discarded wood products can all be reused. After pounding and high-temperature high-pressure treatment, recycled woods can be turned into Medium Density Fiberboard s (MDF) for furniture board materials, packaging materials or made into paper pulp for paper manufacturing. Cherishing natural resources will allow woods to return with renewed value.
What are the benefits of developing sustainable forests?
Forests are able to protect soils, conserve water sources, prevent wind and stabilize sand dunes, purify the air, regulate the climate and enrich species. Forestation is known to be the most effective approach so far in reducing greenhouse gases. Planned forestation and deforestation will lead to sustainable timber resources for continuous uses. Production of timber has become an indispensable commodity.